In business you need the right tools to do the right job. In order to get your business mail moving you need to ensure that you have the right postage meter to help you get the job done quickly, efficiently and cost effectively. With that being said, FP is excited to introduce four new videos that feature the stars of our Small Business Series Postage Meters: the PostBase® mini and PostBase® econ!
Our videos are designed to present you with two different experiences for each product.
The first video is designed to generate excitement by highlighting key and unique features of our small business postage meters. For example, our PostBase® mini is the most compact meter but the video illustrates how easily the large capacity scale can weigh and rate USPS® packages up to five pounds. The PostBase® econ video shows how this small but mighty meter quickly prints up to 20 letters per minute. It also offers an optional envelope sealer.
The second video gives you a demonstration of the product being used in real-life situations. These videos illustrate how PostBase® postage meters will integrate into your office and improve your business operations.
Metering mail not only cuts your postage costs versus the price of stamps, but it also makes your office run more efficiently and gives your mail a professional look. You don’t need to take our word for it, check out the videos below.
To learn more about postage meters and the different features and benefits, see our Ultimate Guide to Postage Meters.
Check out the product pages for the PostBase mini and PostBase econ to see more about what these compact and efficient postage meters can do for your business. You can also fill out the form below for more information or to request a quote.